

German GGXX, KOFXI, JoJo's, Hokuto No Ken, SS6 & Fate: UnCo Player ATG. I also play STGs. Visit the Hardedge Wiki:

フォロー数:573 フォロワー数:828
# kofxi

ついにまた日本に来ます!! 私は、弟、2人の友人と一緒に来ています。 またみんなに会えるのを楽しみにしています!!


I'm going to Japan again!

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Done with Hayate frame data & hitboxes, took the whole day.

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Whip frame data & hitboxes fully done.
As always, check the wiki for images & gifs.

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Whip jump frames done.
sm & j.A s8 a10
up A s9/12/15 a3*3

sm & j.B s7 a18

sm & j.C s14 a4+4
up C s16 a3+3

sm & j.D s11/15 a2+2
up D s11 a7

sm E s17 a9
j.E s18 a9
up E s18 a10

screenshots: j.B, up C (both hits), j.E

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Benimaru Frame Data & Hitboxes finished.
Some weird findings:
5A(f): No hurtbox on head F1-4 (not pictured)
5B(c): F3+4 no hurtbox on body
214C: F8-20 head NOT in CH-state
Various moves: tiny head during recovery

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Maxima frame data & hitboxes done.
Most was finished already. I added a short list and the missing +/- frames and corrected a few minor mistakes. Also, more screenshots for Bunker Buster (annoying to capture) & prettier colors.

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Finally done with screenshotting all saving shift hitboxes. I will put them in the wiki tomorrow. Here are few (mostly bizarre or funny) samples.

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Shion has 2 guard cancels, one without Spear, and one with. The one with spear consists of 2 hitboxes.

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Mai and Tung are also, once again, exceptions: their guard cancels are vulnerable: Mai right from the start, Tung starting with the active time.
Geese is another exception, most GCs are active 3-10 frames, Geese's is for...19.

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Done with guard cancels (basic data).
Image shows the startup frames (5 = fastest, 10 = slowest).

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