

I’m an artistic autistic Jewish lesbian studying animation. All my puns are intended. I post SPOILERS

My portfolio: katzltk.wixsite.com/mysite

フォロー数:647 フォロワー数:279

When a show smacks you over the head with foreshadowing that you don’t catch until several rewatches

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Well I’m so above you
And it’s plain to see
But I came to love you anyway
So you tore my heart out
and I don’t mind bleeding
I got a love that keeps me waiting,

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i can't wait for the next season of revolutionary team enkinatsutena. Utenatsu. Enatsutena. Fuck it.

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if you didn't think has consumed my life, you will now. I'm obsessed with crossing it with utena in any way

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i may be late for the contest but here's some fanart anyway, mostly sparrow in crossover stuff.

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