

| Gundam Tourist |
Gunpla Mechanic |
Snapshitter/Scratchbuilder |
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フォロー数:934 フォロワー数:1366

Ok took me a while but here it is, my entry for this thing
ASW-G-52 Gundam Allocer

56 293

Thought of a parasite gundam, it destroys the original cockpit and upper torso of a suit and attaches itself to the suit as it hijacks its systems. It can quickly detach to get another host. It enters battle with a preset body to facilitate getting other bodies. No name atm

126 638

Very cool ngl, always liked the head equipment on this thing

6 51

true, that's only his first evolution, here is tallergoose

0 1

he do tbh.
Though is the custom you're talking about not the shin?

1 4