

I drink too much tea and read too many books. Pretty much just an art account at this point.🚦👁 They/them

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I'm getting the Biggest Leonor Fini mood over here (she painted during the sexy surrealism heyday)

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I may have been reading too many faerie stories lately

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Hello from your perpetually tired friend currently supposed to be paying attention to someone's web design presentation

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Pro tip: if your lover gets murdered by your evil older brother, don't forget to bury his decapitated head in a potted jasmine plant so the perfume kills your brother in vengeance
(photo: justine babcock)

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In European tradition, swiftly changing weather or rushing winds often portend the Wild Hunt. The hunt's participants vary between cultures, but often include fairies or elves, Woden and his valkyries, dead souls, or the Devil.

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Finally got around finishing this little project...mostly because I need to remind myself of it now more than ever.

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First portrait from last semester's painting capstone, shamelessly based the fly af

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