Aaron 🦎さんのプロフィール画像

Aaron 🦎さんのイラストまとめ

Character Artist. Basically a glorified art blog. Opinions are my own! 🦎 He/him

フォロー数:438 フォロワー数:5899

Material workups, almost done

52 1042

We're getting there- Everything bar the component pouch and the obligatory 50ft of Hempen Rope blocked in and big bits have had a second pass. Tonight should be jacket workups and getting the straps looking better

12 217

WIP, Swear to god character art is just repeatedly making leather straps until you die

15 449

This'll do for now, shapes are kinda neato but material read isn't there yet, ill refine later

10 280

Sculpt work and refinement, fuuuck these sleeves. Don't wanna use marv but also sculpting that material is hard.

15 247

Let Me Sculpt Her

3 79

Getting used to doing fast overpaints to figure out what I'm doing with some flow, at the recc of smarter artists than me. I like figuring out this kinda thing in 3d but its so so slow to iterate a lot of the time

1 37

Trying to r&d some way of dealing with folds that keeps everything clean, but mostly still avoiding sculpting feet again

0 13