Aaron Gritschさんのプロフィール画像

Aaron Gritschさんのイラストまとめ

Novelist, collector of video games and lover of the supernatural. Have written five horror/supernatural novels.

フォロー数:23903 フォロワー数:27932

Played and won the arcade Super Street Puzzle Fighter II. Totally addicting and fun game, took only a minute to figure it out and it was fun trying to form chains to defeat my enemy!

45 35

Watched Event Horizon from 1997 for the first time. Really enjoyed it, good visuals and genuinely creepy atmosphere.

39 31

Won Magical Knight Rayearth originally released in Japan in 1995 and translated in 1999. It was pretty good, could have been longer as it is short even by the standards when it was released as far as RPGs. Still, it was fun for what it was.

32 20

Played the second arcade Deathstalkers game under the title vampire savior on this gaming machine I have and won it with Little Baby Bonnet Hood. I only had trouble beating one character, breezed through most of em.

37 26

Watched The End of Evangelion and it was totally insane and amazing!

46 46

Read these four comics last night. Enjoy a good confrontation with ZZZAX! Then had a good story line featuring Captain America. Need the comic after though as Hulk jumped down after one bad guy, gotta see what happens.

84 33

Watched a 1984 film called The Power...first fifteen minutes were random: professor uses power on student and dude before being impaled, dude goes into desert and seemingly melts, kids do a seance. A plot finally starts to take form after all this.

71 36

Won Chaos Child on PS4 tonight. Definitely not for everyone as it is a visual novel, I enjoyed it as it had a very good story that ended in a manner that leaves me feeling depressed unfortunately...

70 32

Got some Captain America comics for a change of pace. Very interested in reading the one where he fights Doctor Octopus, love seeing heroes fighting someone different.

161 62

Some more issues I have gotten. Looking forward to reading the second part of one story and seeing how the fight with the strange creature goes.

107 35