

Just an average dummy fox lover. Headpats are always welcomed 💛 I’m drawing most of the time~

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This is William and he a wolf uvu
The first drawing is from 2017 and the second one is his redesign from April this year
He grew quite a bit! :^)

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A headshot of my furry OC?Lime the Corgi 🍋🐕
I didthis back in August and I still like it a lot!

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Some older art of one of my OCs,Akira 🌸🌷
I remember that I wanted to make her a strong woman back then..
I should remake her in the future

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Some art which I received from my dear facebook friend of my main 😭💛 It's pretty old but I still love these very much

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Do you remember this shit? 🥴👀

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Ref sheet for my OC,Spiker 🥴

•Date:I dunno somewhere in May

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A bunch of commissions I did for Skye on Facebook over the course of this year 👀

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Some commissions I did for aka my Big Bro back in July uvu I'm still quite proud of this one! 🌱🌸

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Here you have my angel boio Akriel,I'll probably change up his design in the future tho! 💙😇

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