

Lesbian @DebnamCarey #ElizaTaylor @AngelssBecky @srchafreen #Catradora #Avatrice #GAPtheseries #WarriorNun #Arcane #Frozen #WonderWoman #Deadpool

フォロー数:671 フォロワー数:1192

I just finished watch a i like this and i love 💞 and cute, 😍 make them together they are amazing 💞

1 1

Imagine we see how replaces father, how is coaching her, her first love, how did she win conclave, how she become commander, we need this, we need
( Sorry i don't know who a authors of this art)

4 14

Lexa is
The world keeps the memory of you
Legend like you will never be forgotten,
And for a long time, people will talk about you
You will live in eternal memory
Art by amazing ( )

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Why I don’t have billions, I would buy the rights to the name of and and I would make spinoff about them and more films on fanfics with them 😢

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