

everyone's favorite 8ft goth demon likes an retweets appreciated do not dm me without permission please, I work so I can not be 24/7,

フォロー数:2573 フォロワー数:839

"Hold the hell up"

Processes the possibility

1 4

"These filthy human mahes have stolen my years for a spell now I must wait for my body to adapt to the magic used an revert all wars will be held until I regain my former strenght!"

4 11

"Funny you thought you and you're friends could defeat me now look at them broken and beaten an all that's left to save them is you so I'll let you choose become my cum dump or I wipe you're entire party out~"

2 12

"Hmm why nit post you're self an see how many loads the queen of hell would pump into you an do know just one bag is a load~"

9 28

"Let's get this over with"

5 12

"I'm awake an someone is gonna lose feeling in their legs now"

1 11

Name: Abatu

Species: Wrath Demon
Gender: hermaphrodite
Height: 8'6( 12inch member)
Class: Beserker/barbarian
•bedding others
•faithful allies
•her wife
•faithful pets
•acts of peace

164 276

"Their...I'm wearing the dress happy?...do know I'm gonna make you pay later tonight understand I'm working ever hole you got an then some..."

Mumbles having to wear this over her prefers furs an armor least {reader} can see her muscles an member if they pay enough attention

2 12