

Non Fungible Tokens are 4D story-telling tools, not “financial investments", please get rich elsewhere kind sir to make room for genuinely engaged collectors.…

フォロー数:1981 フォロワー数:6675

Come Play Some Super Smash Bros With The Gang!! Discord below 👇

We in the Hangout Zone! 🎤

5 13

Retweet if you’re horny for

81 139

Introducing the “Witchdoctors Stave” the “Bear Pelt Belt” the “Bear Trap Boots” and the “Seers Sight” stats all with a matching “Cool” hue.

43 104

Giving Away an NFT worth ~.2ETH (#4904) in 24 Hours.

To Win:
1. Like, Retweet, Follow, Tag 2 Friends
2. Join our Twitter Space in exactly 24Hours. Goodluck!

87 112

Giving Away 2x NFTs, one on Twitter, the other on Discord in 12hours. (Minting shortly!)

1. Like, Retweet, Follow.
2. Comment with an interesting Tiger fact to enter the raffle :) No double-ups! Cute cat pics also accepted (if yours)

35 42

We’re giving away a MetaThugs NFT (#5549), an Alien Llama and 2 Whitelist spots on Discord 23hrs from now.

1. Retweet, Like, Follow.
2.Bring a pencil, eraser and a red marker to our Discord. If you have a scanner that’ll help. It’ll be fun!

23 30

Giving Away .1ETH per day for the next twenty days!

You'll generate a ticket for each day that you participate. These tickets carry over so your odds can only go UP!!!

Lets start slow with a simple Like, Retweet and Follow. Goodluck ;)

121 135