

What happened here │ They/Them

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:1979

2020 faves. Somehow impossible to pick 4 despite my low art output this year. Sounds like a good problem to have. (1/2)

9 69

Last time I posted a drawing people left.. So here are 4. Get off my lawn. I'm crawling back into the hiatus dimension.

12 72

I sense some kind of progression.. I'll say I created a NSFW acct this pandemic which I hadn't done my 8 or so years online as Lemon.. whatever that says

4 44

Don't really do Halloween pics too much for personal reasons but here are some past ones. 🎃👻🐲🧙

9 28

fixed.. for some reason a layer was hidden.. Even with a glove for drawing, still getting occasional touch inputs. Can you turn off touch entirely in mobile clip studio and just rely on the s pen?

4 23

Have a good, not perfect, mobile CSP setup now. Not that I'm *going* anywhere these days though...

5 40