

Deviant artist of Birdsnatched

フォロー数:888 フォロワー数:695

Congratulations Lee, you have earned it!🎉

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my name's Acacia Volkerts. A artist with a passion for drawing cartoons and videogame characters.

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Here are my Copycats. Peter(blue in green) Bart(yellow in blue) Stafi (red in yellow) and Lisa (green in red). They originated as duplo lego blocks stacked in two before I fleshed them out on paper. (I was around 4 I think)

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🎶💞Name 4 characters you love and tag 5 people to do the same! Thanks for the tag!! 💖⚜️

Whoever would like to participate.

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Cannon Busters. Especially if they end on a cliffhanger.

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