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X-Lapsed, Episode X... er 10... er, whatever we're calling it... covers Powers of X #5, which shows us a little bit about how the Krakoan sausage gets made.
We're getting close to the end of HoXPoX! Big thanks to everyone who's come along for the ride!
The other shoe drops in House of X #5... and nothing will be the same again. This is the BIG reveal I've been waiting for (thanks to everyone for not spoiling it for me!)... if you're following along, Episode 9 of X-Lapsed is one you don't wanna miss!
Something Sinister this way comes, also, something absolutely fabulous?
Playing with X-History has never been so fun, too bad I can't say the same about our visit to X³!
Krakoa's origin, Xavier in a pith helmet, and listener mail today in Ep 8 of X-Lapsed!
In X-Lapsed, Ep 7 - the body count rises, as does my trepidation about the potential of the bold new Dawn of X landscape!
It's House of X #4 - feat. the X-Men's assault on Orchis! All that & more humble hot-takes!
Thanks much for listening & reaching out!
X-Lapsed is halfway through HoX/PoX, and the hot-takes have begun to fly! Join me as I discuss House of X #3... and make a lot of outlandish (and hopefully unfounded) predictions about the direction(s) that this franchise might be headed!
X-Lapsed will return Tuesday with a wild discussion I had with myself about House of X #3. If you're interested in catching up, and have around three hours to spare, please consider checking out the Archives! #xlapsed
Young Magneto gets a head-full of Uncanny knowledge... which results in your humble-host getting a head-full of concern for everything he *thinks he knows* about X-Canon!
It's X-Lapsed, Episode 4 - Powers of X #2
Everything we thought we knew about Moira... was wrong!
Is "The Uncanny Life of Moira X" a value-added measure, or just another reminder that comics are now playing a game without any rules? *My* answer may surprise you!
X-Lapsed, Episode 3 - House of X #2
X-Lapsed, Episode 2 takes us into the far-flung futures of the X-Men... and totally out of your humble host's wheelhouse.
I'm chatting Powers of X #1 on #xlapsed!
After 30 years as an X-Fan, I now find myself in the odd position of "new reader". Join me as I fumble & stumble into the HoX/PoX era and try and make sense of a property I used to know inside & out! #xlapsed
It's X-Lapsed, Episode 1 - House of X #!