

I'm a 28 year old guy who loves video games and anime. I'm a huge fan of the Ace Attorney series. Also I'm down to do some Smash Bros.

フォロー数:1885 フォロワー数:116

Reminds me the one time Marvel hired a h***** artist to do a cover for A-Force. I mean most of the manga artist out there have at least made h*****.

13 409

Are there any Canadians here to remember these?

7 51

While it is heartbreaking that Tom sufferered a stroke that he may never speak again, at least he's recovering. I wish the best for his health and to remember the man behind the voice of many childhood memories.

24 179

This one is for you , you left a big impact on the Smash Community and I'm so happy you were able to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate before you left. Even if aren't here anymore, we'll always remember you.

45 134