Noi (さんのプロフィール画像

Noi (さんのイラストまとめ

Spends too much time online when I could use it on something constructive.
Above all else, I will always love @SchalaAsha

Outta here, catch me on the blue site

フォロー数:82 フォロワー数:242

. working from home vs the millisecond wfh is over

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holy fuck I miss x2 exp already, when's golden week

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Glow up progression: from meh to 👀

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the best mission select screen. three anime robot guardians and a robo frog

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27. Iwaihime

Came for Ryukishi07, left with a pseudo Spirit Hunter sequel. Some of the characters feel like they could have been fleshed out a tad more, but I think I prefer it this way over the alternative. The art is SUPER GOOD though, I can't recommend this one enough.

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21. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest / Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

via the CV Anniversary Collection. It was fun to play these games so long after their release, specially with how infamous they both are for their difficulty. Didn't sweat *too* much, but FUCK CV3 Block 7.

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