


フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:10544

one of the most well written characters, cry about it. https://t.co/jiK3DDZ2EZ

28 414

If any of them are in your top 10 in attack on titan, you got peak taste👌 🔥

59 871

Words can't describe how sublime season 4 is " but the CGI and blah blah blah" I don't care 🗿

24 272

The craziest slice of life anime I have ever seen.

39 487

Me when i watch/read anime or manga.

5 80

"Aot has no direction it just pulls plot twists out it's ass for the sake of shock value"

mfs never pay attention and it shows

37 275

Mf will say "attack On Titan has the best plot twist in anime/manga" then post Reiner and bertholdt plot twist for the 100th time as if those don't exist.

71 1014

Binging return to shiganshina arc for the first time was one crazy rollercoaster of chills, couldn't even tell what time it is.

62 560

3x3 of Eren taking selfies🌚.

12 76