

A quality engineer by day, just an average k-pop loving, kdrama addicted, anime weeb spending hours trying to draw a perfect circle by night

フォロー数:40 フォロワー数:4

Decided to draw something after a few more months and just finished last week so… here’s a fanart.

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This was supposed to be a 1-2 hour cooldown sketch of but then I decided to take 5 more to color 🙃. Still worth it though. Did this on stream @ if you want to check out my struggles or just chat

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Random piece of art for the day. Outfit is vaguely hanfu inspired 🙃.

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Drew from The show has been my guilty pleasure watch for the season. Decent humor, mediocre plot 😂.

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I struggled a bit with finishing this one. Inspired to draw after binging the manga (so I could stop getting spoiled by other people haha)


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