

Publisher of boundary pushing and genre redefining #comics with no limits. Zombie Tramp, Puppet Master, DollFace, Vampblade, Tomboy, and many more.

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The Action Lab Crime & Mystery Sale starts today! Almost 200 items on sale!

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Final order cutoff for 3/2 includes ZOMBIE TRAMP and AMALGAMA: SPACE ZOMBIE VOLUME 1!

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VAMPBLADE SEASON 4 is out now, so check out some previous issues of VAMPBLADE SEASON 4 for 50% off on comiXology:

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Fanbase Press reviews GOING TO THE CHAPEL! "The hit mini-series, Going to the Chapel, from Spencer & Locke creator David Pepose comes together in a wonderful package of humor and brevity."

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411Mania says "A tour de force of comic book excitement... [GOING TO THE CHAPEL] is a thrill-ride that will have you flipping the pages to see what comes next."

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Pick your poison with VAMPBLADE SEASON 4 variants by Winston Young, Bryan Baugh and Brao. Out tomorrow!

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Catch up on Amalgama: Space Zombie before the third issue comes out on comiXology:

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Enjoy over 300 items on sale for our Action Lab Fantastical February Sale! Fantasy and supernatural titles are 50% off. Sale ends 2/29.

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The Nerdist adds "Thick with melodrama and a plot straight out of a '90s action/thriller flick, [GOING TO THE CHAPEL] is an absurdly fun time."

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SWEET HEART: Imagine Stephen King’s “IT” but there’s more than one Pennywise and the entire town knows about them.

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