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Dylend didn't get art for a long time after this from what I can tell. I think I placed him in a hard to engage place writing wise so he wouldn't be subject to as much non-sense. I have since fixed this and now he is subject to all the nonsense. (2019 icon)
after 2010 I had pretty much transitioned into only digital drawing. I mistook this first one as digital initially. The attempts at painting have been a thing long term it appears.
The oldest pieces I have on my computer are these two. Both from late 2012. He was always some variety of magic user. The "Ohno my homeland explode and I got stasis'd forward" angst came well later.
Here's the earliest images I have on my computer of him. from the end of 2012. I cannot remember his shtick back then. I might have just been like "I wanna make a red panda. :)" and that's okay.
Like Poor Jarkeo, another Mage knight type, the fact that I can't find his art on my computer is weird because he is supposed to be a mentor character for Shale. Figured all the mage knights had lots of magical influence that changed their fur color and patterns. hence green.
So way more art than I expected when I said I was "almost done". I found the missing pieces on weasyl that I had fully forgotten about. (Jan 8 2015, and Jan 9th 2015) I seem to have been on a proper "make Shale's supporting cast" kick for the pathfinder game.
And here is Igneous (posted on Weasyl at the end of 2014. and march 2014 respectively) Cannot find these on my computer. I remember being really proud of the token. She was intended to be a mage knight type.
I cannot for the life of me find where this is on my computer. Posted on Weasyl 2015. Another roll20 token, he was intended to be a fighter over specced into crossbows.
from late 2012. Shale used to have a sister called Jinjin, canon status? Unknown. Also I think this might have been back when I was doing dimorphism for the slatepaws and ladies had shorter tails for...reasons?