

Just a Floppy Disk in this Nano Tech Web3 World...

フォロー数:2279 フォロワー数:3691

Imma be on the look out... but you might get a pass for the pink hat.

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Decided to take the inspiration from and add a Bubblifier 3000 to my Oh... and try to make it a lil colour-ish hahahahaaaa.

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Go outside and touch some grass... then smoke some grass?

GM hahahahaaa

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Is Shine... a type of Moonshine in a can made by Pamp? A digestif served after a hearty bowl of Boon-Noods? May be paired with some watermelon? So many questions 😆

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I know you've been watching us... I know you wanna join the amazing you'll be buying into.

Good Art ✅️
Good community ✅️
Fun and Jokes ✅️
Low Entry ✅️
Mystery ✅️
IP Rights ✅️

11 17

You're a major part of this...being the glue we so very much need to go through this time. I appreciate ALL that you're doing...

I have a vision and all the community keeps me going. So thank you all fellow 🤡 ❤️.

What will I do with this one?

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Not an ape, but lurve bad-nad-nadz hahahahhaaaa. Even is also down with the vibe. Just missing a lil

Anyway... GM... 👋

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Keep building, keep vibing, keep doing what do... have fun, entertain, add value and joy to others.. ultimately love in the not just but to ALL of the

We ARE Clown!!!

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