

crazy words

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Just a drawing I made yesterday of a girl that was previously drawn back in April for Astril. Her name is a play on the word "Galaxy".
I really like her design, and I might iadd her as an easter egg in my comic. :)

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Either these are getting weird, or I'm experienting with composition. Which ever one is true, they still lead to a page being posted on Sunday or Monday.

If you can understand what is going on in every panel, you deserve a medal for understanding messy sketches.

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Mixed up last and this them. So, potion. It's a smoke bomb potion, but underwater, it just floated away and her expression is supposed to show foolishness.

Soft shading, as always for these. :)


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Oh, how much I missed doing these!

I really like this page. It was easy to make, but very effective to convay their relationship. :)

I'm hoping to make another 1 -or 2- next week. ;)

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Unfortunately, my computer isn't working still, the bext I can do is use another one to draw. Something that I didn't consider was fonts, so it'll take a while before I can start my comic again.
With that said, still going! I also posted my effects, a lot, isn't it?

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Opps, forgot the image......
Last day of I thought about a robot, so I made one sitting near the crash-landed spaceship of its owner. I really like the stars, but not too happy with the highlights on the robot. Oh well. Next up, Mermay.

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I just find doing these adorable. They are so simple, yet so cute. This is just Earth getting ready for Winter, with a nice cup of ????. I wanted the stars to be more in-line so it's more like snow falling. Some softer shading on the hat.

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Just a nice, coloured sketch of an Astril drawing. I came up with the idea that it's messy to represent dreams and how vivid and strange they can be, so that was the "reason" for not doing a final drawing. I strayed so far from the original space theme. XD Still works.

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Sun? I don't even know what I'm drawing. It's just a sun, with weird lines coming out of it and pink lineless clouds surround it.

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So.Many.Stars. I know I'm losing creativity, but a dinosaur is the only thing that came to mind after I did a little scribble. I did a softer shade for this one.

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