//=time() ?>
'Unprepared for the start of the week, Claude? How completely surprising.'
'Good morning.'
'Monday's are my very favorite day of the week. Sunday involves a lot of idling about, you see -- but the start of the school week brings with it a fresh set of challenges.'
@Byleth55843792 Hmhm. Precisely, Professor.
Goodness, I didn’t think you would indulge.
For a school based directly under view of the central church,
A great many of you commit far too many sins ☕️🐸
@NobleIntrovert 'Hmhm. I'm joking, Bernadetta. I'm surprised you're asking this of me to begin with.'
'I'll be sure to bring a helping back with me from the mess hall.'
@blackndcrimsxn 'Hmhm. I surprised even myself, in truth.'
'Part of it feels as if I'm compensating. As you know, such confections were not afforded to me when I was taken from the capital.'
@EquitiGalatea 'Hmhm. Worry not. My sights are set upon this particular confection.'
'This means an extra portion of pheasant will be left in my wake.'
@SoloTriTrainee 'Ho-shi-dough..?'
'I'm afraid I'm not familiar. Peach confections are among my favorite, to be sure.'
@NobleIntrovert 'Is that so? Oh, dear.'
'Tell me, then. When I return with your dessert, how will you receive it?'
'Normally, I only defer tasks of great importance to Hubert.'
'Tonight, however, I have made something of a selfish request. I've asked him to hold my place in line at the mess hall.'
'..Such that I'm effectively first in line for Peach Sorbet.'