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'Some of you may think, 'Oh! Edelgard! This is just a sport!'
'Everything we learn here serves a purpose in the world we are preparing to enter.'
'For that reason, I will never accept less than absolute victory for my house.'
'Someone's called attention to the way I act when the Eagles are not the winners of a competition.'
'The idea that a leader must be graceful in defeat is antiquated, and one I wholly disagree with.'
'If their reaction is lukewarm, they were scarcely fit to lead to begin with.'
@SoloTriTrainee 'That's more like you.'
'So long as you're sure. I'll go as far as facilitating travel when our classes have concluded, if the situation calls for it.'
@SoloTriTrainee 'Hmhm. I'm afraid so.'
'But I digress. It wouldn't do to have one of our most enthusiastic classmates so out of sorts.'
'Is there anything I can do?'
@SoloTriTrainee 'My immediate family is.. small, admittedly.'
'I keep very active contact with my father, Emperor Ionius. As heir apparent to the throne, I often receive summons to Enbarr.'
'It suits me, since I'm able to check on him whenever I must go.'
@SoloTriTrainee ('There she goes again, alluding to fabled locales..')
'How interesting. With so much travel, how do you typically stay connected?'
'Is it feasible to see them during school breaks?'
@SoloTriTrainee 'Home is where your family is, then. I understand.'
'I take it that they continue to travel while you're studying, then.'
@Iionsflight — are never truly through, especially in this setting. Opportunity seems to be around every corner..'
'It's fun to act the part and compete. For one, it gives me an excuse to formally introduce myself to each student.'
'Case in point, I am pleased to make your acquaintance.'
'The sauna is completely overrun. I was looking forward to using it tonight..'
('When we seize the monastery.. I will partition it for personal use.')