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@teaandnobility ‘Hahh!’
‘There. Perhaps I do not know my own streng—.. Goodness, your skirt!’
Quickly, she unclips the broach holding her cloak in place, only to drape it over her classmate’s shoulder just so that it veils her exposed leg.
‘Make for your quarters. And, please, no detours.’
@crestoflamine It's quite alright.
Unlike you, admittedly, but still. I suppose even the brightest of us can be sullen now and again.
@mathemagicaI How very like you to consider the pros and cons of any particular topic.
In this, we are agreed; though I can't say I ever dwell on or develop tactics in lieu of my stature.
My fighting style is unconventional in itself.
You know, there are often misconceptions about my height here at the academy.
I am among the very shortest in stature here, which always seems to come as a surprise when my measurements are taken.
(The way Claude's retainer so nonchalantly relinquishes her relic. Just what is she thinking?)
It's heartening to hear you have taken strength training upon yourself, medic or otherwise.
If you find that you wish to push yourself, Professor Byleth offers personal training in nearly every school of mastery on Sundays.
How very kind.
Truthfully, my upbringing only ever included training with the rapier.
I took up the Axe wholly out of spite when I was told as a girl that the weapon did not suit me.
Are we discussing our encounters Sylvain?
He can be charming, in the right light. He was most co-operative in providing me insight into Blue lion affairs, for one.
@teaandnobility That’s quite enough. I’ll just.. Goodness, now how did you manage..?’
There. Disheveled, but no worse for wear.
@teaandnobility That’s quite a predicament.
Hold still for a moment.