Alison Diamond 🎷さんのプロフィール画像

Alison Diamond 🎷さんのイラストまとめ

Saxophone player, well-travelled lover of improvised music. Solo album Head Puzzle Parts here

フォロー数:1559 フォロワー数:1293

Thanks to Jo Cushing for hosting online life drawing at again, trying some different styles out tonight

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Interesting night life drawing, we were superimposing quick drawings

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Some ink drawings from Zoom life class Back on the ink this week, some interesting effects caused by the cat treading on it 😸

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Experimenting with in life drawing, thanks

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I once dreamed of a frog with a hat and human legs, that swears at people, yours sounds much nicer

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Ok as a regular cyclist I had to have a go. It’s inelegant but structurally sound... ish 😄😄😄

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Interesting session zoom life drawing session, trying some things out

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Life drawing via Zoom having fun with

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