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Some strange Cyberpunk-type set I created awhile ago for fun.
A random set I put together, I'll call it 'Monk of Chaos'. I always loved this armor.
Now, with that all out of the way, I can finally rest and get some good sleep. Good night, take care, and remember to Battle on! :)
I decided to merge the 'Original Drakath Armor' into the normal 'Drakath Armor' as I like the wide shoulders and face a bit more. ^_^
Also went ahead and completed the 'Build Drakath's Armor' quest since I had everything for it sitting in my bank since 2014, except for BLoD. The armor looks great and it feels fantastic to finally have completed it. ^_^
Finally got the Blinding Light of Destiny after about 8 hours of farming today with some breaks in-between. Looks great and will be heaps of help in the future. That sure was an interesting journey! ^_^
After many weeks of farming on and off, I finally got enough Spirit Orbs in order to create the Almighty Aluminum of Destiny and soon after the Blinding Daggers of Destiny. Hooray! ^_^ Now on to the easier parts.
Turns out today was my character's 6 Year Anniversary! ^_^ I now have the Gravelyn's Champion set as a little milestone reward. Just two more years until Nostalgia Quest opens up for me. :)