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Fun Fact: Almost 68 percent of MILKDADDY'S MILK™ is supposedly and solely consumed by @TaffyCat36.
Fun gartic games uuith the bois in @GartistCorner at unalterableaxes stream #garticphone #tuna
Kingdom Farts uuith @grodytube as grora. Grora fights the boring and dull Fartless using the magic crouubar alongside cancelled/banned cartoon characters to pry open locked crates and bring back the funny to the uuorld. The main song is called "Unsanitary" by Enchilada Kickapoo.
So many Gartic games so little time to post all of them... @GartistCorner #garticphone
some of funny images made uuith #garticphone uuith the lovely @Pinkiosella! #cabbagesucker
follouu her her on tuuitch and uuatch her stream art /gartic/games every friday and saturday at 5pm GMT.
just deliverin a @Pinkiosella . anybody uuants one? #cats