

Mostly pictures of my adventures in Final Fantasy 14! Screenshots and other material are Copyrighted (C) 2010-2024 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

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Slightly misty day around The Crystarium.

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The Firmament at various stage of restoration.

I wonder how many more steps there will be until the place gets fully rebuilt. Hopefully a few more. I am having so much fun taking pictures of all the changes. 🙂

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Few shots taken during the Sleep Now In Sapphire sidequest.

I hope there will be many more fights like this one. Piloting the G-Warrior (best name ever) was so much fun! Everything about this quest chain was perfect. 🙂

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Old set of pictures I took around Gridania.

Was playing around with contrast. Foresty areas are the best places for that since there is a good mixte of sun and shadow. Thanks trees! 💚

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Pictures taken from inside the Saint Mocianne's Arboretum dungeon.

I like going there at night. Some of the flowers light up and makes for a very different mood.

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Pictures taken around Coerthas Western Highlands.

I think they succeeded into giving that feeling of very intense and harsh coldness. Especially when a snowstorm hits. 💙

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Taken around the Sweetbloom Pier in East Shroud.

It looks as if this little corner or the map comes right out of some fairy tale book. 😊

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Pictures around The Sirensong Sea.

I like the skybox in that dungeon. Especially those large dark and menacing clouds. And that pretty rainbow you can see if you run outside of Lorelei's room after having won the battle. 😊

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Around Holminster Switch.

I like seeing the burning houses in the background when in the first boss' area. It gives a preview of what to expect after having beaten it! I prefer it over the many portals found in other places. 🙂

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