

Mostly pictures of my adventures in Final Fantasy 14! Screenshots and other material are Copyrighted (C) 2010-2024 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

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Landscapes found The Rak'tika Greatwood.
Also, a fish. (I took that one nearly two years ago. One of the first pictures I have taken around that zone.) 🙂

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No landscapes today!
Instead, few pictures taken of Garuda during the Nocturne Of Heroes event (FF15 colaboration).
I love all the details they put on the model. Also, I like that design a lot more than the regular one. 😊

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The Matoya's Relict dungeon.
I think there is very Last Guardian vibe when around the large descending area with the light mist and the massive pillars.

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The darker side of Eastern Thanalan.
I enjoy the mood there when it rains or when the sun it not around yet. 🙂

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The later sections of The Temple of the Fist dungeon.
I like those purple and blue lights reflecting on those shiny walls.

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Copied Factory Raid.
The lightning there is still some of the best. ✨

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The slightly misty Dravanian Hinterlands.

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The Rak'tika Greatwood.
I cannot wait to see the next forest areas! (Assuming there will be more in the future) 😀

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Various shapes and textures found around the Weeping City of Mhach raid.

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