

Hi, I love Marvel and DC (Dreamcatcher) and G-IDLE | Kai'sa, Ahri, Irelia main | SEA server 🇲🇨

フォロー数:1241 フォロワー数:992

Never seen doing these kind of coloring before. it's so gorgeous !!!

148 641

Maraurders Variant by

3 11

Captain Marvel by Milo Manara

8 62

it's funny how A-Force name is so famous now, but the comic isn't. it got cancelled. too bad because I really really love these characters. I love Nico as the teenager on this team, I love how Medusa and Dazzler argued about the X-Men and Inhumans feud and I miss Singularity!!

14 69

Black Queen by Mariah Benes

0 4

this panel is adorable lol.

0 3

haha I'm enjoying this

1 16

the covers of these comics are getting better and better. it's unbelievable!

23 66

you forgot the cat Gif. Good morning

0 1