

#VoiceActor, Writer, musician, failed wrestler, ect.…

フォロー数:390 フォロワー数:240

Haha that moment you realize you didn't censor everythin haha...

oh no Σ(゚д゚;)

Also I am working on the Nami script now~

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My boy was always Q in 3rd Strike 😅

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Oh shit... that is tough homie... I think I got an alright list~

Faust from Guilty Gear
Axl from Guilty Gear
R Mika from Street Fighter

Yeah I know they are all fighting game characters, and real talk I could probably put 20 more down easy... but who are your 3 homie?

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I legit think though if it wasn't for as my Jessie, my James would only be half as good 😁

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Have to say, I had a fun time putting this together!

And I can't emphasize enough how great it was to have worked with so many talented people~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Here is some of the pieces did for me ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

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Man I luckily stumbled onto JoJo's cause my dad got me the OVA when I was a kid and then had to use Yahoo Groups (yeah that old garbage) to read the manga (DUWANG) I went through the trenches for that series~
Also CPS3 is the fuckin best! I play it on Fightcade all the time 😍

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Gaia Online is trending...*logged in*

Oh yeah, that looks like the edgelord I am.

*logs off*

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Are most of em from strangers? If they are then go on your setting and toggle, but if these are all friends... I'm sorry but I got nothin :(

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YOOO~ Looks awesome! Happy things got all set :D

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