Erotic Mythology 🐘さんのプロフィール画像

Erotic Mythology @[email protected] 🐘さんのイラストまとめ

I write #erotica about sexy #GreekGods & #GreekMythology 🏛️
But I'm not posting here any more.
Follow me elsewhere: 🐘

フォロー数:1979 フォロワー数:9896

And finally a who provides some entertainment! In this Roman statue of "Satyr and little the satyr on babysitting duty plays some cymbals for the child.

Roman marble sculpture, second half of the 2nd century CE, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli

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As promised earlier, this is a thread about one of my favourite gods. I recently saw claims that he was born of a virgin on 25 December. This is not true. While the date of his birth is uncertain, the ancient Greeks did usually celebrated the birthdays of their gods.

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"Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus freezes" by Andrea Boscoli (1560-1607)

The title is a quote from "Eunuchus" a Roman comedy by Terence (185-159 BCE):

"That saying, 'Without Ceres and Liber, Venus freezes' is absolutely true!"

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A Bacchanal with and (and baby depicted on a 2nd century CE Roman sarcophagus.

Today in the Antalya Archaeological Museum.

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Me, looking for some simple anatomical terms that are not Greek or Latin but


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I finished the draft of yesterday so have a look at the flat colour version of the cover!!!
Arja of came up with the design and did the inking & her partner did the colours and lighting effects (not shown here).

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But has more dogs than just Kerberos (whose name does NOT mean "spot" btw). Hekate, the "divine friend of dogs" is naturally very fond of them and black dogs are sacred to her. Therefore, the Greeks sacrificed black puppies to the goddess 😢

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