Aira❄️| Forget-Me-Notさんのプロフィール画像

Aira❄️| Forget-Me-Notさんのイラストまとめ

She/Her🍓| ISFJ | Married to Eugeo❄️| I draw sometimes✏️✨

フォロー数:1973 フォロワー数:4132

Eugeo as a husband:
-Will wake you up in the morning
-Nagging (in a good way)
-Can cook
-Will clean the house
-Soft and caring
-Will protecc you at all cost
-Makes cute noises
-Will be faithful and honest to you
-Will say 'Good Night'

52 200

Rulid Trio to bless your TL!!

54 253

The holy Kajiura quartet

7 51

Why is there so much ecchi stuff in my TL I don't like this pls

2 25

Now let's wait for the fan arts😌💙💙💙💙💙

10 73

Rulid Trio Official Arts

16 64

That one SAO character nobody hates

60 396