

Law student who works on Airfortress
Black Canadian w/ Belizean Characteristics 🇵🇸
Discord: ravajava#455
Instagram: Kezeym
Deviantart: Ravajava

フォロー数:647 フォロワー数:398

Okay. Hear me out. She's a 10, but she wants you to turn against everyone you've ever known in exchange for her unrequited love.

(Really experimental piece. Trying a lot of knew techniques and giving CSP 2.0 a proper go.)

Also, accepting names for blue haired lady.

2 10

ARAF Rotweillers catch a Posse Sibrand off guard. Light fighters rarely fair well against capital ships. However, the dated Sibrands, and its equally antiquated Fuchs class escort have few defences against missile strikes from the supersonic aequalist jets.

8 21

Last lady developed into the one on the left. Meant to be the rival to the one on the right. Concept was that the military used androids, and the female models were for interacting with locals and social engineering. 2021 thoughts. Largely moved on from the idea since.

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Another bored at work Friday sketch dump

All roughly from the late period using a surface as my primary way of drawing before I switched over to my Huion.
GW Arcean concepts, characters from an RPG maker game I was screwing with, and deuteragonist for a cyberpunk setting.

5 10

In that sweaty part of the semester -_-
Essay and an exam this week, another essay next week, and three more essays due after that.

Some of my old jet drawings. Used to mostly draw airplanes, oddly enough. Should get back into it at some point. Most but not all from

5 20

Meant to be a quick sketch, but I spent more time on it last night than I meant😅

Mech from that sketch I posted on Friday. Always liked the BF2142 idea of mechs. They aren't a super weapon, but a niche tool that tanks and regular infantry can deal with if used wrong.

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This OC pretty much exists to challenge me to draw better anatomy.

6 19

Apparently 's Cyberpunk vampire lady is fond of snails?

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In the former UHR, the scene of Arcea's largest post Great War deployment, this rivalry continues. The ARVn's Foroughi is a popular officer out of the Syerdawnic Cooperativist new school, while Desrochers represents the traditional pre-Revolutionary Sudfellian Air Force.

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