

🇲🇽 I'm a simple human being. I love art in general.
Specially 3D Animation and Video Games.
🔞? Maybe. Sometimes?

I Love Samus!

フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:3264

If you get a print show me i'd love to see how it looks irl 🧡

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I had a serious question last night...

If you had s*x with Samus... would she suck your entire energy out of your body like a metroid...?

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Así se vería una Samus Zelda xD, si Samus y Zelda tubieran una chamaquita se vería como así xD

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It was not like this when i was gone.

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Man, that Earth looks like Tallon IV https://t.co/7rehImLMhC

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