

//3d modeler//

フォロー数:92 フォロワー数:82

i'm sorry but i created the final form of GOD teri teri and also it will my new custom guide view in the axis x/y/z

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i wanted to make all the watagirls but it took me only for tomoko xd, the next year is for yuri :i
source for see in 3d view:
also you can get the model in my cg trader

happy halloween!! 😈👻

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and the next model of rakita its done , i'm still working on fix in the rig and the pose but you can check the 3d preview in my sketchfab


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yyyy el siguiente es la sotoka que la hacia de escondidas jsjs pero tambien me demore porque estaba viendo unos tutos de de realidad aumentada que quiero probar xd pero bueno dejo un avance para no perder la costumbre

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parte 4 terminando de corregir algunos errores de proporciones y cambios de texturas y ya actualizado en mi sketchfab ahora si a proceder con la respectiva pose pero hare un ultimo chekeo xd

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part 3 testing the color of killer whale , is beta test but i upload in sketchfab :)


the next part is the pose and fix some parts

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i'm making my own model for the killer whale because this world (me) needs that friend xd

work progress of killer whale day


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terminando la raphi empeze ahora con la bocchi , ya cuenta con su propio esqueleto y pose y gestos , mas tarde hare su config para probarla en unity 😁

el link para verla completa

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and here is the expressions , the next step is test in unity but the model is finally done ✨✨

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