

(19 ) He/Him Cloudmasc || @HexagonMoment❤️||

フォロー数:256 フォロワー数:215

I know you're goin through some shiz rn so I drew the funny boy

7 19

That's just what he's literally has been for years
From what I've read he's canonically Egyptian. Quick Google search and listening to actual fans of said media literally shows that this entire point is stupid

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I haven't done cute art in forever and mini Updike made me want to draw more tiny guys so MY TWO FAVORITE BROTHERS EVER

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Doodled a redesign of her human form, at some point I have to make colored versions of everyone's human design

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I asked my boyfriend "to be cringe, or not to be cringe"
I think the choice is obvious. Anyways how'd I do with the style? 505 with pupils never fails to confuse me

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A list of the things Fresh Sans has irreversiblely changed about my life:

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