

They/them nonbinary pan lgbtqi+ artist

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:8

Essek is an interesting and wonderfully created NPC! I cannot help but be on the edge of my seat every time he shows up!

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My OC Frost has a tragic backstory. Cold One knelt before Orion. When I feel more ready for details I'll keep working on this piece. But for now I think I have captured the feeling of the scene.

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I both love and hate this most recent episode! It deserves all the art its getting. I hate drawing backgrounds but I had to! Dagnabit!

4 18

Frost. Air genasi wizard/rogue with fluffy cloud hair. "What?"

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fluffy cloud hair Frost my oc

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trying to get the feel for flat color light and the glowy type of color light. They are very different... the left is a speed paint and the left took about 5 hours on and off. I'm new to digital drawing. I use Krita

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I'm working on playing with color and lighting and what better place to do that than in MadCad! I think this looks better with the color shading. Might keep tweeking it.

3 15

Start|Finish well I might keep tweeking it. Anyhow here is my work for today. MadCad! Caduces going feral mad because of Fjord was amazing and deserves all the art happening!

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