

An amateur casual artist without style or logic!
Not the best but it won't stop me from dumping my OC sketches & fan-art doodles of variable quality ^_^;

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:14

"Halt mutant!"
Was inspired today to have a go at drawing Sentinels and I had to put pen to tablet before that inspiration burned away! ^_^

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"Pick a card, mon ami."♠️♥️♣️♦️

Years of sketching & doodling, and I only just realised that I could try drawing my nostalgic childhood favorite a week ago...
Sometimes I wonder if I really am an aspiring fan-artist? 😅

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It's and I can't believe that I forgot to share this November drawing of mine from last year 😅

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"Been swimming lately?"
Damon Gant, one of my favorite witnesses.

Was supposed to be a quick character sketch that uncontrolably turned into a whole thing. ^_^;

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I seem to default to a simplified style of eye-style it seems. Probably cus I find it easier & fun to express emotions via eyes with less detail.

Not that I can't do the inverse on occasion too...

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I've been a DBZ fan for nearly half my life and I can't believe it's taken me this long to draw my OC! 😅

Introducing the experimental model, Android 12

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'Come on Krillin, don't be shy, loosen up and dance with me!'

Lighting and background practice. It was kinda difficult but fun to give it a try :)

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Busy drafting but dance poses are hard ^_^;

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So I'm maybe kinda looking forward to Spiderverse2

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