

25 | He/him | 🇳🇿
Games Producer + Writer: @deconrecon_
Director: @BefriendusGame
Buzz me at [email protected]!

pfp - @napstachill

フォロー数:172 フォロワー数:1356

Is that love I smell in the air, or RADICALITY?? It's Latula and Mituna, both rocking their respective outfits. Latula's points were the hardest for me to nail down and I'm still not 100% on them, but they can't all be winners I guess.

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Kankri and Kurloz start us off for the alpha trolls! Both characters only have a single bullet point, but they both use the space very differently. You may also notice that Kankri's sign frame is gone, because he's actually signless, which I forgot last time. Oops.

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Eridan and Feferi round off the beta trolls! "finally, someone with arms" is another strong favourite of mine, as is Feferi as a character in general. She's cute, I dunno what to say.

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Equius and Kanaya! Kanaya's new sprite is pretty much the whole reason I decided to remake my old set, because her old sprite was... iffy. I'm much happier with hers this time, as well as connecting Nepeta and Equius somehow.

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Nepeta and Vriska! If you pay close attention to Nepeta's card, you might notice a connection between her and Equius. People were a little disappointed they weren't paired together at first, but that's because these cards go by introduction order in the comic proper.

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Tavros and Aradia, contenders for some of the biggest upgrades from my original batch. As it turns out though, drawing a wheelchair with outlines only on the outside is a nightmare.

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Terezi and Sollux are my favourite beta trolls so they were very fun to work on. "he's in" is one of my personal fav bullet points too, so I'm pretty happy with this set all around.

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What's that? is back? Well, yes and no - this is my take on Troll Call cards for the beta/alpha trolls of Hivebent (revamped from a year prior)! I've already done all of them so I'll just dump them all in a thread, starting with Karkat and Gamzee!

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It's a fan This is my boy Morien Bachma, who was designed before the whole "four horn" thing was established. Maybe I'll get to redesigning him some day, but until then, have fun counting the skeletons in his closet!

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I like her so much I didn't exclude her from the traditional classic background alternative! Ain't I thoughtful.

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