

Dragon ball 💖#Goku🥕 #GoChi #chichi🥛#Sonfamily
Naruto/Boruto ✨#Naruto🍥 #naruhina #hinata☀️ #Uzumakifamily
fruits basket 🐁

フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:568

He finally got a peek but regrets it 😂😂

1 47

Goku takes pride in his children's accomplishments, praises them, lets them know they've done a good job and has always encouraged them. That in itself is proof of his endless love for his children.

2 18

And I'm alright with that.Doesn't change the fact that he loves his children to no end to the point that he has given/would give his life for them in a heart beat. His ribs were literally broken and yet, he grabbed raditz to save Gohan and inevitably sacrificed himself for Gohan+

2 15

It kind of sounds like a joke from toriyama. I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously. Especially comparing it to how much toriyama has shown Goku caring about Gohan. I think he meant it like Goku is too soft to teach and discipline. +

9 41

If I could add more then 😅

1 4

He's literally shaking😢
he tries going after him, in his condition, knowing it would cost him his life😢 he's so helpless and upset in the last panel😭

4 15