Alison Fabrizi Artesさんのプロフィール画像

Alison Fabrizi Artesさんのイラストまとめ

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#painttoolsai #huion #pokémon #digimon #OC #caricature #ilustration |#draw

フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:52

Mermaid Recreation
Recriation Challenge, launched by my own 9-year-old niece, the idea was to recreate a drawing of her own s2 ... Next we have a the original drawing.

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He is an archangel digimon, which arose especially from the fusion of the twelve digimon of the digests chosen from Adventure 01 and Adventure 02 with the help of digivice of Tatsuo (character created especially for this fanfic) that possessed the digicore of Xuanwomon

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Commission of the wee

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Another recreation project made from the of Instagram

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RainbowCopmon is a very self-confident and powerful digimon, he knows his strength and trusts his power, he is always ready to defend his own, he fights for all the wronged and he would do anything to protect the weakest.

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Another fusion of the classics passing in your feed lol This time I bring one more unusual proposal to digevolution of DNA between Rosemon and Vikemon, two opposing Digimon that digivided together to form Skadimon the warrior hunter of the winter.

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Cancrabmon Este Digimon solitário e manipulador, vaga pelo Digimundo em busca de vingança. Apesar de ser um Digimon justo, tenha cuidado ao atravessar o seu caminho, pois se a desentendimentos entre vocês dois, pode ser o seu fim, LEMBRE-SE um Cancrabmon jamais se esquece.

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DarkMagnamon a hiper digievolução de Veemon com o digimental do milagre corrompido pelas trevas. Arrasta pro lado pra ver mais.

Realize seu sonho de ver sua ideia virar realidade, veja os stories fixados e me chame na DM. 👊😉

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Fiz essa ontem a noite. Quem puder, dê uma forcinha lá no meu Instagram por favor 🙏

Descoberto o segredo de Sarah Andrade do BBB21 para ouvir todas as conversas e fofocas sem ser vista pela casa mais vigiada do Brasil.

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E vamos de encomenda da semana! Essa arte só ficou tão legal porque o conceito saio da cabeça do nosso amigo Robson do insta s autor de uma fanfic incrível de um prólogo de Digimon, pós Digimon Adventure Tri.

Lhes apresento


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