

Groucho, Harpo,Chico,Zeppo and sometimes Gummo.(Not Karl or Richard) 'I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception' #HailFreedonia

フォロー数:722 フォロワー数:25358

released 1949 "One day the monkey went on strike. He wanted shorter hours and longer bananas"

28 150

“ I’m goggle-eyed from watching the convention. Until TV, nobody knew the caliber of clowns governing the country.”

55 196

Mr Grover: "What experience have you had at a department store?"
"I was a shoplifter for 3yrs!"
released 20th June 1941

47 159

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world"
"No, but I don't mind lying if it gets me somewhere" released May 10th 1946

81 281

Merry Christmas to all fans.

55 248

"Either he's dead or my watch has stopped"

56 125

"I'd do anything for money, I'd kill you for money. No,you're my friend. I'd kill you for nothing"#Harpo

38 72

What experience have you had at a department store?
I was a shoplifter for three years. 1941

19 36