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A Doodle from sir
Many thanks for saving me from my slump with your arts! :)

Always thought Mizuki will have an Open Mid Rib showcasing her Waist and Abs.

A skirt for her lower garment.

And an open chest featuring some cleavage.

And ofcourse her shrine robe. :)

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Mizuki and Alice first Art Drawing! XD

Thank you sir !!!!!! XD (If you like Girls wrestling moves and thinking of getting a commission done, ) check out his works in twitter/ Pixiv and I think maybe not sure Deviant too! XD

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A mini skirt open midrib wrestling suit like Tomomi Watanabe , since she looked cute blushing given a normal skirt hahahah

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Hmmm ribbon skirt
And that belt like thing on her thigh.

You sir know your wrestlers!! B-)

So technically Megumi is talented enough to overcome Freia in battle ? Dang B-) I look at her a bit differently now

Seeing freia beat a lot of the girls B-)

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