Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amandaさんのプロフィール画像

Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amandaさんのイラストまとめ

Robert went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2022. His friends Janet, Barbs and Amanda look after his account now.

Donations for cats -

フォロー数:17821 フォロワー数:51898

I don't know what was going on at the allotments yesterday, but I know that something bad had happened. There was lots of broken glass in the veranda so I decided to wait on my human's car while it was cleared.

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I've heard that many humans are worried and upset at the moment. I don't really understand the reason but I think it's something serious. I'm trying to help by being available for extra fuss. Kate took this photo of me, please know that I am thinking of you. Stay safe everyone.

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Thank you so much for all the lovely messages about Cliff. My human wants you to know that she reads every single one of them and it means a lot to know that there is so much kindness in the world.

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Allotments are the only leisure facility that do not cost the council anything. The humans manage the running of Walsall Road Allotments because they appreciate the benefits allotments bring. Please be a kind human and leave the allotments alone.

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