

Cringe Vtuber | Art tag: #ArtforAlly | |

art: @haruuchy @dim6660444

フォロー数:1671 フォロワー数:34102

me and who?

126 3415

Hope you had a happy Valentine's day! It's ok if you're single for Valentine's Day... I am too.💘

3 169

Will you be my Valentine?

17 709

New trend! Lets goooooooo!

105 450

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!! Hope everyone is safe and happy! ♥️♥️♥️

16 355

I'll be taking a little break from streaming through rest of December but I'll still be posting on Youtube and social media!! Hope to see you all in my chat in the new year! ♥️♥️♥️

5 201