Will Caliganさんのプロフィール画像

Will Caliganさんのイラストまとめ

Indy comic book company #TeamComics

フォロー数:3111 フォロワー数:1821

Hope everyone is creating today. Remember to make every effort to make your work positive. The world needs it. The world needs you and the world needs all your art. You make a difference in other's lives.

2 5

From the immortal words of the late Patrick Swayze: "Be Nice". We all should remember this and try to do this daily. Just "Be Nice". You don't like something then don't engage and "Be Nice".

2 9

I always five folks a chance. It usually never takes too long for folks to show their true colors.
I watch. I see who supports me and my work. I pay attention. This is something all creators should do. Not everyone is for you to succeed.

4 15

I hope everyone is having a productive Saturday. Remember that you are the only one that can create the content that you do. There will never be another like it.
So, create something entertaining and a blessing to the reader. You can change a life. Do it in a positive way.

12 22

This is the first year that I really don't have any solid plans with what I am doing. It feels weird.
I do hope that it is more positive then 2018. That year will go down as one of my worst years in my life.
Let's be positive to one another and push one another to grow.

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