

Artist/Science graduate | 20 | She/her • Commissions: closed • Warrior name: NutNut

フォロー数:330 フォロワー数:101

Two fullbody character designs for Cloudy! These two rascals are made specifically for DnD!

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Smol marsupial babey, thanks for the opportunity

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I love knowing what kinda music she reminds people off!!!

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Another giftart piece, this time for the lovely that I med on NFC!

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Giftart for the lovely cause she was scammed I felt bad about that! Also I had fun with her on

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New Christmas YCHs for NordicFuzzCon, because the theme got me inspired!

• Any species and gender!
• Feral or anthro!
• Digital
• Will be made in the style of last pic
• Done before NordicFuzzCon (you can set the date)

Price: $10
Con-delivery (printed + laminated):

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