🍫 AlyKuro 🏏 (Comms: Closed)さんのプロフィール画像

🍫 AlyKuro 🏏 (Comms: Closed)さんのイラストまとめ

Alyssa | Female Tsukumogami Bat | 21 | Digital Artist | 🍫🏏 | Currently Cuddling @Synsaiiii 💙
Pfp by @blueiziz

✉️Email for Commissions: [email protected]

フォロー数:244 フォロワー数:231

Finally after the whole month, I got this Touhou Hina art done. I keep saying this, but I'm really happy with how my coloring has gone over the years, first just flat colors and now this ^^

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Coloring the sketch before lineart is fun for me now

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So what do you do when it's night and you have the mood to draw, but no ideas for anything big

You make a shitpost drawing based off of Bocchi the Rock for the night lol

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Update, what is going on with this WIP, feels like I didn't draw it nabjfegau

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I said I would draw this if Team Sweet won, and I did. This is both a win for Frye and me cause this is the first time I won in Splatfest for this game, not dead last!


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I feel like I was already ahead the current OC vs Inspiration trend cause I made this sketch months ago lol
But yes, Naia is inspired by Ika Musume because I liked the show when I was little

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