

2D Artist || Illustrator || ENG/PTBR
Contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:679 フォロワー数:155

Feliz dia do desenhista para todos! Lembre q vc é incrível, errar esta tudo bem e que vc vai desabrochar e ser um artista incrível, que seu esforço vai valer a pena. ❤️

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Ola meu nome é Amanda e eu gosto de fazer fanart e character design♥️

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Hello my name is Amanda, and I do some character design and fanart ♥️ my Instagram is

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Meu nome é Amanda, e isso é um pouco do q eu faço:

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Hello my name is Amanda and I love to do some illustration, fanart and character design. I love high fantasy stuff♥️. I'm more active on Instagram by the name of

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Hello my name is Amanda and I love to do some illustration, fanart and character design. I love high fantasy stuff♥️. I'm more active on Instagram by the name of

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A little fanart that I made of
What did you guys like the most for in the movie?

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